Blog #10: The Plot Thickens
Now, I had planned on doing some serious work on Nova Force Go this weekend. Unfortunately, out of nowhere, some bad stuff happened (I...
Blog #9: Why I hate cliffhangers
Remember last blog when I said I kinda wanted to bring more of my life into my blogs? Well, this is one of those. But there's a picture...
Blog #8: A funny thing happened...
You know, I just can't seem to have a lunch break at work without having something weird happen out of the blue. Okay, depends on your...
Blog #7: May the 4th be with you!
I think it's been very much established that I'm a bit of a sci-fi geek, and that I love me some Star Wars. Hell, I even liked the...
Blog #6: I am Groot!!!
Hello everyone!! So recently, I've been busy. As mentioned, I am a HUGE Sci-fi and superhero geek, and naturally I've been anticipating...
Blog #5: Upgrade in progress...
No, I'm not a Cyberman. I'm just getting a new website! Goodbye Wordpress, helloooo Wix!Big improvement, I must say. I mean, I've made...
Blog #4: Down to Business
Well hello. Sorry, I meant to blog last week, but I was in the middle of something pretty big and wanted to save my blog until then....
Blog #3: Nova Force Go!
Hi all, it’s been two weeks since my last post, and a few things have happened: I’ve started doing more drawings, which is good. I was...
Blog #2: Updates!
Yes! Hi! Sorry, I know I haven’t been on here much as of late. To be honest, running a blog is still pretty alien to me and I haven’t...
Blog #1: New things already!
Okay then, first blog post, whooo! Well, it’s been a couple of weeks since the site went live, not much has happened. I guess I haven’t...